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Apne Blog Pe Traffic Kaise Laye , everyone dreams of making a good blog by making money online, but it is not so easy that only a few bloggers are able to make money because the traffic on their website blogger is good and new blogger traffic is not How to earn money on blog after being 

How to bring complete traffic to your blog

Welcome friends to our blog one you like on the blog Blogger Who me what it was to know Apne Blog Pe Traffic Kaise Laye tell you, Blog Par View Kaise Badhaye .

How to bring traffic to your blog. Complete Process 

When I started my blog at an early time, I was wasting a lot of time to design my blog and look at its premium look website and kept posting on the blog without any research without thinking. 

If you do this too and you have also posted and published a blog without any keyword research, then no problem. 

Doing this will only waste your time, but if you focus on keywords and content a little bit, your blog will grow and traffic will also be seen. 

This article is complete, how to increase traffic on your blog, full information has been given, so let's start this article today. 

 Professional Blog Template (Themes)

Choose a good blogger template that needs a choice according to your reader. I think this is a premium website and it also keeps interest in your blog, along with a good font, its design will keep the user blog for a long time. Holds on 

Professional Blog Template (Themes)

Due to which our bounce rate will be reduced and there will be more and more chances that visitors will come to our blog. Will go to website 

 What are the features a blogger template should have?

  1. Blog template should be mobile friendly 
  2. Blog template should be fast loading so that the user stays on his blog 
  3. The template should be responsive which supports all types of devices. 
  4. Optimize blog template search engine that quickly ranks in Google 
  5. The blog has good font and font size which is easy to read. 
  6. All the features within the blog template as per your requirement. 
  7. Download the best blog template from it / download the best blog template from it

Write The Best Content 

Big bloggers who have achieved success in blogging have always paid maximum attention to the content itself. If your content is good, then it is true that Google itself will send traffic to your blog website. 

Write A Best Content

 According to the report, Google itself has said that the better your post will be, Google will quickly index that post in Google and rank it in Google. 

You can always write high quality content that can help people (users), you will be surprised that my blog is ranking in Google, now it comes. 

How to write high quality content?

To write high quality content, you have to keep these things in mind -

Do research 

Write beautiful heading 

Remove useless things 

Reasearch - You can write content on any topic, for example your content is how to increase traffic on the blog? Now you have to do a good search to write this article and you should have good knowledge about this topic, which can understand the user only then how do you increase the view on this topic blog? Have to write on 

Write Nice Heading - Before writing content, you must pay attention to the headings, because only the headings written by you will tell how much power is there in your content. 

Heading will always make your content very attractive after writing 4 or 5 paragraphs, so always choose good heading. 

Remove Boring Content - While writing content, make sure that you do not add unnecessary things to your article, you need to know that your users do not waste their time and provide good and correct information so that users do not visit boring content again. Always take care 

Benefits of high quality content 

The larger and better the article, the lower your bounce rate

More and more visitors will come to your blog.

Your blog will rank in Google 

More advantages 

Examples - Write good content / examples - Write good content / button / # 27ae60

Long Article Length

Keep this in mind while posting a blog, the more information you will have in your blog post, the more you write a blog post the better you will benefit. 

If you write a blog post of 500 to 700 words in which the information will also be basic, there are very few chances of such post that it will rank in Google and such post will never be viral. 

According to buzzsumo's report, the larger the content, the sooner it will become viral, meaning that if you post a blog ranging from 3000 to 10000 words, the sooner you grow the more word means more engagement rate, and the chances of viral will increase. 

Note: If you want to show your post on the 1st page of Google or go viral on social sites, you must make a post of 3000 words. 

Best Keywords Research Tools 

Whenever you write a post for a blog, you have to do keyword research for it. If you write a blog post without doing some research, it will be like torturing fish without water. 

Your posts will face a lot of difficulty in getting ranked. If Google gets indexed then you will not get traffic at all. 

So always keep in mind that you must research the keywords on which you want to rank the post. 

How to do keyword research?

While doing keyword research, keep in mind the following things -

Best Keyword Find 

Check the competition keyword thoroughly 

Select low competition keywords 

You can use SemRush and Ahref tool to do keyword research, these are the keyword tools Paid, you need to spend some money to use them. 

If you want to do the best keyword research for free without paying any money, then you should use these free tools for this 

1. Google Keyword Planner ( Google Keywords Planner )

2. Keyword Avriwher ( Keywords Everywhere )

3. Google LSI graph ( Google LSI Graph )

What is Google Keywords Planner ?

Google Keyword Planner is Google's product, so whenever we do keyword research for blog posts, it shows us the eject data from Google, it can be used in both Paid and Free. 

With the help of this tool you can also find out the average Monthly Searches of keywords and CPC of Adsense ( Cost Par Click ). 

Google Keywords Planner / Google Keywords Planner / button / # 27ae60

What is Keywords Everywhere?

Keywords Everywhere is a free keyword research tool, you can also use this tool for free and paid. In this tool, you can easily search for keywords with your competition, Search Volumes and CPC show. 

Keywords Everywhere / Keywords Everywhere / button / # 27ae60 

What is Google LSI Graph?

Long-Tail keywords can be obtained by Google search. Using LSI, you can easily fund keywords like I have to search long keywords for blog traffic. 

For that I have to type in Google search traffic on the blog, then Google will give me this kind of punishment 

How to increase traffic on the blog 

Tips and tricks to increase traffic on the blog 

Increase traffic on the blog, these Hindi 

Easy way to increase traffic on the blog 

As you continue to give space in Google search, you will find long keywords easily, such keywords are ranked quickly in Google, you should post a blog on long tail keyword which has less competition. 

Increase Blog's Loading Speed 

All the big bloggers are so fast that their websites are so fast that it takes less than a second to open, that is why they are included in the top list in Google 

According to Google, if your blog takes 5 to 10 seconds to open or even more than that, your blog will be out of Google's position, the more time it takes to load, the more back your blog will become. 

Always check the speed of your blog so that you too can hit those bloggers who are sitting top, yes you will not be able to top the speed but you will get the results soon. 

How to increase the speed of the blog?

To increase the speed of the blog, you have to use the Fast Blogger template. 

The image on your blog will have to reduce the size from 50 kb to 100 kb. 

Reduce java html in the layout of your blog 

Use good hosting on the blog / wordpress 

Reduce Blog's Server Response Time

Use at least redirection

Make the blog as fast as possible 

How to check the speed of the blog?

To speed check the blog, you will have to use these three websites. 

  • Google Page Speed ​​Insights
  • Gtmetrix
  • Pingdom Speed ​​Test
  • Search Engine Optimization 

seo kese kre

Without Search Engine Optimization , no one can bring traffic to their blog, this is a very important part to bring traffic to the blog. 

By doing Seo, you can bring millions of views to the blog in a day, for this, make the blog Search Engine Friendly. 

If you do not optimize your blog for Search Engines, then there is no organic traffic from Google on your blog website, and no amount of traffic will come to bring traffic to your blog. 

SEO consists of a lot of algorithms, so always try to make your post full Seo Optimization. 

By the way, there is no correct definition of SEO, but according to the old Bloggers and Webmasters Experiance, you should seo your blog. 

To make your blog SEO friendly, the time taken is less as you know that the better SEO will be, the better your blog will rank. 

What is the type of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

There are two types of Search Engine Optimization -

  1. On-Page Optimization
  2. Off-Page Optimization

How to do On-Page Optimization techniques?

When posting a blog, you change the design of the blog or make a page, all of these come within On Page Optimization.  

To do On-Page Optimization on Blog, you have to optimize Blog Design, Title, Meta Description, Keywords, Tags, Internal Links, External links, Images, etc. on Search Media.

In on-page optimization, we have to do all the work on the blog, so we can do all this work easily. 

If your blog is on WordPress, then you will be able to do all the work easily through some plugins like SEO By Yoast.

How to do Off-Page Optimization techniques?

Off-Page Optimization is done after publishing a blog post, for example creating backlinks, sharing links on social media, driving traffic through forums, etc. 

It takes some hard work to do this work, for this we have to work by going to another website, we should seo at least 1 to 2 hours daily off-page so as to get a view on the blog. 

Guest Blogging 

Guest Blogging is simple and easy way after guest post you can bring traffic from that blog forever. 

When we post a guest, we get a Do Follow backlink which helps a lot in increasing page optimization and also benefits the blog's domain authority. 

Always write a guest post on every blog on such a blog, whereby you should get the benefit of writing a guest post as much as possible. 

If you write a good guest post on a big blog, then you can get referral traffic from 2000 to 5000 daily. 

What are the things to keep in mind while posting a guest?

While blogging the guest, keep the following things in mind -

Blog's Domain Authority and Page Authority are good 

There is a lot of traffic inside the blog 

Blog is related to the below topic where guest posting is easy 

Blog spam score reduced 

Blogs are very popular 

Must make blog commenting 

Have you ever found the traffic by commenting the blog, if yes, you will definitely have the benefit of commenting, by commenting myself, it brings good views on new blog posts and we also get no follow backlinks which are very important referrals on the blog. Bring traffic 

To comment, the  Domain Authority and Page Authority of our blog grows and people click on it to know about our blog and we benefit. 

Do not comment on comments on any low quality website and keep in mind that at least 10 blogs should be commented in a day. 

What are the things to keep in mind while commenting the blog? 

While commenting the blog, consider the following things -

While commenting the blog, please check the  Spamming score of that blog. 

While commenting the blog, be sure to check the Domain Authority and Page Authority of that blog page.

While commenting the blog, please read the content of the blog. 

When commenting a blog, keep in mind the age of that blog. 

How to comment a blog?

New bloggers make many mistakes while commenting, such as  not checking Spamming score   , putting a link to your blog in the comment section or using your Gmail id, these are all wrong ways. 

You have to comment the blog correctly so that the administrator does not hesitate to approve your comment. 

Reply On Comments  

Whenever a user comments on your blog, he is definitely showing interest in your blog, in such a situation, it becomes necessary that you must reply to his comment, so that your community grows and the user spends more time on your website.  

The more you comment on your blog, Google will trust your blog page and that is why your post will show in Google results and you will get good traffic from it. 

Note : Always keep in mind that if a user makes Spam comments on your blog, then do not give any approval to them and then delete them immediately, such fake comments can become an obstacle in your blog rank and can also become a risk of getting hacked of your blog. 

Blog Share On Social Sites

Blog Share On Social Sites

These days the social site is so popular that there is always traffic there, with the help of which you can easily get a view on your blog. 

You have to create an account on all those social sites and increase your followers so that maximum traffic can be sent to your site. 

Do not always share your blog post on all social sites. You should start it by creating a schedule and share each post. 

HTIPS shares a post on all Social Sites 1 time in 24 hours.

On the social site, you can create your own group page and drive traffic to your blog and increase your traffic. 

Make sure to keep social icons on your blog so that people can share your posts on social sites. 

How to increase traffic from social site to blog?

To get traffic from social media to the blog, you have to be active on all the social sites from which you want to bring traffic to your blog. You will get traffic slowly 

What is the best social media for bloggers?

From my experience, you will definitely get a bigger view on your blog from these social sites. 

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Twitter
  4.  Pinterest
  5.  Linkedin
  6. Quora
  7. Medium
  8. Reddit
  9. Tumblr
  10. WhatsApp
  11. YouTube
  12. Mix
  13. Meetup
  14. Twitch
  15. Skyrock

Publish List Posts

Publish List Post will increase your blog view, it will drive from one link to another link, which will definitely benefit you. 

To publish a List Post, after 1 topic, we have to write about those topics which the user can understand when read. 

Understand by example 

Complete information to increase traffic on the blog 

The way to get traffic without any SEO 

Follow this method on the blog and get free traffic 

Join Google Forums

Do you also do Forums Join? Otherwise, it does not matter that Forums Join has many benefits and by doing this test, you can learn a lot. 

Within the forums, we have to answer the questions, in which you can add a link to the blog and from there you can also take advantage of the traffic on the blog by making backlinks. 

If you give half an hour daily to answer fourms questions, then you can bring good traffic from Blogs to Blog.

Join Question Answer Sites

Go to the question answer website and remove the curie of the people, whenever you provoke a question, you must insert a link to your blog inside the answer. 

If you give correct and accurate answers, visitors will definitely come to your blog and in this way you can bring traffic to your blog. 

By  creating an account on a website like Quora , you  can easily bring traffic to the blog by answering the queries of the people and putting a link to your blog. 

By doing this, you will definitely get 100% traffic on your blog. 

Create a Youtube Channel

In today's time, YouTube is on the trend and you can bring a lot of traffic to your blog, it will be very helpful to increase traffic. 

To bring traffic from YouTube, create a video related to that post on your YouTube channel and insert that BPOST URL into the dashcripson so that you can get a view on the blog. 

You can earn money from this platform by working on YouTube, you have to give information to the people by creating a related video from the blog and by doing this you can earn money from both Google's platform blog and YouTube. 

The search engine also indexes the visual contents quickly, so you must embed YouTube videos on your blog. 

By doing this, your blog post will rank in Google and your website will be filled with views. 

Optimize Blog for Mobile

Mobile user is the most and if your blog is not mobile friendly then you can be very hurt, you must make it mobile friendly so that the mobile user does not have trouble reading the blog post.

The more your blog is mobile friendly, the blogger itself will recommend such blogs, so Google has created Mobile Friendly Test Tool to optimize Blogs.

With the help of which you can test your blog's mobile friendly and increase the chances of ranking the blog in Google.

Keep writing trends Article 

The topic related to which you are writing a blog post must be a trend if you write a post on such a topic and it is on the first page of Google, then you 

The post gets lakhs of views in a day, due to which the rank of your entire website or blog increases.

How to write trending posts?

You can use Google trends to write trending posts, you can have a trend topic like Corona virus or any big event, then you can write on a base which is going viral quite well. 

You can write a normal trend such as Eid Deepwali or any festival event called Yu or any other topic that you can write, you can bring a lot of traffic to the blog. 

Have regular updates on Blog 

To increase regular traffic, you should keep updating Regular New Posts on the blog as the more you write new your blog, the more new users will come and the more your blog post is good, you will increase traffic as well as the popularity of your blog. 

Google indexes new posts and traffic will definitely come when your blog is indexed so that your 

You will definitely get hard work 

Update old blog post 

All the old blog posts that you have are always updated according to the time you know them. 

While updating the posts, putting new photos and videos in the posts is more effective, so add the posts Visual Contents.

Updating old posts makes your old posts new, Google and other search engines index your posts again, so that your posts also start appearing on the first page in search and traffic on old posts also increases.

Transform content

This Points is going to be very dull for you === because you do not have to work too hard for this and the traffic is going to be boost.

By creating EBOOKS for all blog posts === also give your blog links in Ebooks so that those who do not have time to read the blog POSTS == they will be able to download your Ebooks later and share it with their friends so that == Your blog will have advertisment and more people will come to your blog.

You can transform all the posts of blogs into videos by sharing them on other sites and you can increase the traffic of your blog and can also earn money == from videos.

Reduce bounce rate

To rank your posts in the search engines ---- the bounce rate of the blog is to be as low as possible. You can see the bounce rate of your blog or website through Google analytics or Alexa ranking.

To reduce the bounce rate ---- you have to make blog articles interesting and useful. The more photos and videos you use in posts --- the lower the bounce rate but the videos and images are related to the topic as well as useful. To be --- is very important.

Increase CTR

Click through rate (CTR) means how many people clicked on your post after appearing in your -------- posts search engines. Meaning if a post of your ---- blog saw 100 people in the search engine, then 60 times people clicked on your post --- then the CTR of your post is 60.

The CTR of any blog can be viewed in Google analytics --- account or on the alexa ranking site and to increase the CTR you need to make the title and meta tag of BLOG POSTS attractive.

To imorove the title and meta tag of the blog, you use the wordpress plugin Yoast or All in one Seo.

Build Email List

Never neglect email marketing because --- through email you can increase traffic by 30% of the blog.

Through email, readers can be invited to come to their blog.

To create Email List Build ---- First of all put a good subscription box on the blog.

Make a subscription to download --- by making a free ebook or pdf of a guide.

Send email to your subscriber on schedule ----- eg send one email in 2 days or one in a week.

Post on medium.com

Medium.com is also a good == source of increasing traffic because medium.com gives you backlinks and if your content is good == then good traffic from medium.com can drive on your blog. Now go to medium.com and start signup and post ==.

Create free Courses

If your blog posts-- teaches anything to the people, then you can provide free courses on udemy and techable by creating ebooks. There will be links to your blogs in ebooks - which will generate good traffic on your blog.

Do not think that very little traffic will come - so do not waste time, you will be able to drive 10,000 page views to your blog and drive easily, so if you get a single page view from any place, then work for it. Do - Come soon you will see millions of page views per day on your blog.

Use SSL Certificate

Google has started ranking some Secured Websites if --blogs and down Unsecured websites and Blogs and - has started showing Warning to Unsecured Websites and Blogs in Google chrome browser so that - if you have SSL Certificate If you do not use, then 90% of chrome browsser for your website or blog is going into traffic loss.

Cludflare for Free SLL Certifcate is very good --website by using which you can secure website and blog for free, so to increase traffic - today for your website or blog in 5 minutes FREE SSL Certificate- Do the setup of -

Use Browse Cache

For your website or blog - make sure to use Browser Cache because it - for your website or blog, stores it in Mobile or Computer - so that if someone visits the page again, load the page. It takes very --- little time to happen.

To enable browse cache - you can use W3 total cache or Wp Super --cache plugin.

 Accept Guest Post

Apart from inviting other bloggers for guest posts on the blog - the arrival of new bloggers on your blog will bring a decent amount of traffic to your blog and - by looking at external links and author - also google and other Ranking of your blog in search engines will increase.

The biggest advantage of accepting a guest post is that you get very good contents and a post without hard work, which can be very useful for your readers, so definitely accept a guest post on your blog.

Active on social media

In today's time, the traffic is on the most social sites where there is 24 hours of traffic.

So give some time to promote your blog on social sites-- and drive good traffic to your blog.

Never Angry Google

Google is the world's largest search engine - so - always keep friendship with it because a Google is the only way - you can reach success.

If you will be able to work according to the terms and conditions - by befriending Google - then one day traffic on your blog will be received only with the help of Google.

Google should not block you - always take care of it and - never create Fake Traffic, Fake Backlinks and never try to make Google succeed by cheating.

Hopefully you will have liked this information of how to increase traffic on the blog and by reading this you will definitely be able to increase traffic on the blog.

If you have any questions related to increasing traffic on the blog, then definitely ask in the comments.

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  79. Leedon Green Condo Development comprises of 638 premium residential units over 7 Blocks of 12-Storey. With a sprawling land size of 320,000sqft, and with low density housing, much of the land is dedicated to providing plenty of condominium facilities. Facilities include Gynamsium, Tennis Court, Grand Pool, Sky Terrace Bar, various Garden Pavilions, and beautiful landscaping throughout the development.

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  81. Penrose Condo is a new launch residential condominium development, located at Sims Drive, Singapore. Developed by a joint venture of two of Singapore’s biggest and most renowned develeopers, Hong Leong Holdings and City Development Limited, Penrose Condominium is poised to be an Iconic Condo, providing exceptional value and quality to residents.

  82. Forett Condo is well-located in the heart of the Toh Tuck Road / Bukit Timah residential enclave. With Beauty World MRT Station (Downtown Line) within walking distance, and Expressways BKE & PIE nearby, connectivity to all parts of Singapore is enhanced. For amenities, residents are blessed with the arguably the best food in the west, with Bukit Timah Food Centre, and the various late -night eateries along Cheong Chin Nam Road and Jalan Jurong Kechil.

  83. Myra Condo Residence comprises of 85 exclusive residential units, in a single tower of 12 storey with basement carpark. There is ample communal facilities for residents to enjoy, such as the 25m Lap Pool, Hydro Pool, Gymnasium, Bar Counter, Reflection Garden, Dining Pavilions and Lush Landscaping.

  84. Hyll Holland Condo minium boasts of an enviable location, being near to Holland Village and Holland Village MRT. Connectivity and Accessibility to One-North BioPolis, NUS/NUH, Pasir Panjang, Viviocity, and all parts of Singapore, is convenient with arterial roads Holland Road, Farrer Road, and expressway PIE being nearby.

  85. Woodleigh Condo Residences offers 529 luxury residential units, in 11 Blocks of 11-Storey Towers. There is a plethora of condominium facilities for residents to enjoy, including Lap Pool, Indoor Onsen, Function Room, Infinity Family Pool, Gym, Jogging Track, Study Room, Japanese Sunken Courtyard with BBQ, Alfresco Kitchen & Dining, and Lush Landscaping.

  86. amber park CDL Development comprises of 3 blocks of 21-storey towers, housing 592 premium residential units. The project boasts of a full range of condominium facilities for residents to enjoy recreational and quality family time.

  87. Ki Residences is a new launch residential development located at Brookvale Drive, off Clementi Road and Sunset Way. Developed by a Joint Venture of two of Singapore’s and Malaysia’s award-winning developers, respectively, Hoi Hup Realty & Sunway Developments, residents can fully experience the intricate design and exceptional build quality at Ki Residence Development.

  88. Clavon Development comprises of 640 luxurious residential units in twin 37-storey tower blocks. Designed by renowned international Architect P&T Consultants Pte. Ltd., and Landscape Consultant Ecoplan Asia Pte. Ltd., the projects offer a stunning array of full condominium facilities, spread over a tiered landscaping and facilities deck. Facilities include

  89. The Reef at King's Dock Condo is comprises 429 premium residential units in a series of blocks of undulating height, from 2 Storey to 10 Storey high. Designed by award-winning architect KCAP Architect x DCA Architects, the development offers a full array of condominium facilities, such as 50m Lap Pool, Leisure Pool, Rejuvenation Pool, Marine Viewing Hammock, Gymnasium, King’s Club & Lounge, King’s Square & Plaza, Green Lawn, Tennis Court, Alfresco Lounge, Star-Gazing Terrace, and various Garden Pavilions, Ponds and Lush Landscaping.

  90. Normanton Park comprises of 9 Blocks of 24-Storey Towers, with 1,862 residential units in total. There is also 7 Commercial Shops and 1 Restaurant in the development, for the convenience of residents for daily necessities, groceries, and dining. There is a wide mix of units of varying sizes and floorplan layouts, from 1 Bedroom units to 5 Bedroom. Terrace House is also available, for those who love the feeling of staying in a landed home, but with condominium facilities. Browse the floorplan layouts, and sitemap here.

  91. Normanton Park Executive Condominium comprises of 11 Blocks of 16 Storey Towers, with a total of 700 luxurious residential units. This project offers a multitude of condominium facilities, including an expansive 50m Quarry Pool, Gymnasium, Tennis Court, Play Court with Futsal Nets, Duo BBQ Pavilion, Fitness IPPT Stations, Jogging Trail, Basketball Half-Court, Trampoline Trail, Teppanyaki Pavilion, Community Garden, Children Pool, and the Clubhouse.

  92. Parc Central Residences Executive Condominium comprises of 11 Blocks of 16 Storey Towers, with a total of 700 luxurious residential units. This project offers a multitude of condominium facilities, including an expansive 50m Quarry Pool, Gymnasium, Tennis Court, Play Court with Futsal Nets, Duo BBQ Pavilion, Fitness IPPT Stations, Jogging Trail, Basketball Half-Court, Trampoline Trail, Teppanyaki Pavilion, Community Garden, Children Pool, and the Clubhouse.

  93. Provence EC has an enviable location, being 7 minutes’ walk away from the newly-opened Canberra MRT Station. Transport to Orchard Road, Dhoby Ghuat, City Hall and Central Business District (CBD) area is now a direct train ride within 30minutes. Transport by the road network is also convenient, with expressways SLE, TPE and CTE being close by.

  94. Irwell Hill Residences comprises of Twin Towers of 36 Storey Residential Units, on a large land plot of 138,000sqft. Communal Facilities include 50m Raintree Pool, Gymnasium, Steam Room, Sculpture Lawn, Play Pool, Spa Pool, Clubhouse at Irwell, and Club Pool. There is a wide selection of floorplan layouts at Irwell Hill Development. From Studio Units and 1 Bedroom Units to large 5 Bedroom Penthouse Units, there is an ideal floor plan for every family size and preference.

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